Academic Freedom Portal

GW has a strong commitment to supporting academic freedom. The university's policy on academic freedom can be found in Article II of the Faculty Code, and Guidelines for Exercising and Defending Academic Freedom can be found on the Provost's website.

At this moment, when the national landscape is marked by increased threats to this vital principle, the Faculty Senate wants to know if GW's faculty feel able to exercise their academic freedom and use their expertise in the classroom and in their professional life. To that end, the Senate has opened this mechanism for faculty to report any concerns about or constraints on their academic freedom.

The academic freedom subcommittee of the Faculty Senate Committee on Professional Ethics and Academic Freedom (PEAF) will review portal submissions and will consider what the reports reveal about whether additional systemic support for academic freedom is needed at GW. The Senate itself is not empowered to act on complaints but will work to connect faculty with the proper channels for support.

Reports can be submitted confidentially through the portal below. Please indicate whether you would like assistance in responding to the concern or constraint. In accordance with the Guidelines for Exercising and Defending Academic Freedom, faculty may also contact the chair of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, the chair of PEAF, or the Provost if they believe that their right to exercise academic freedom has been constrained.

Submit a Concern through the Portal