Assembly Resolutions

  • FA 24/1 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Organization Plan
  • FA 22/1 (PDF): To Elect the Faculty Consultative Committee
  • FA 17/3 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Organization Plan to Authorize Non-Tenured Regular Faculty in Two Schools to Serve in the Faculty Senate
  • FA 17/2 (PDF): To Provide for the Composition of an Expanded Faculty Consultative Committee
  • FA 17/1 (PDF): To Confirm the Election of School Representatives as Members of the Faculty Consultative Committee
  • FA 12/1 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Organization Plan to Clarify the Allocation of Seats for Schools on the Faculty Senate
  • FA 11/1 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Organization Plan to Provide Representation for the School of Nursing on the Faculty Senate and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee
  • FA 08/1 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Organization Plan with Regard to the Composition of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee
  • FA 07/1 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Organization Plan with Regard to the Composition of the Faculty Senate
  • FA 06/1 (PDF): To Confirm the Election of the Faculty Consultative Committee
  • FA 03/1 (PDF): On Changes to the Faculty Organization Plan
  • FA 86/1 (PDF): To Implement Faculty Code "Procedures," Section C-5