
About the Faculty Senate

The GW Faculty Senate is the faculty governance body of the George Washington University. Senators are elected to two-year terms by their home schools, and the Senate annually elects an Executive Committee that sets agendas, reviews proposed resolutions, and guides the work of the Senate. The Senate is normally in session from September through May, although the Executive Committee works year-round on faculty and administrative matters.

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October 4 Faculty Senate Meeting

The Senate met on October 4, convening at 2:07pm and adjourning at 3:20pm.

In the President's report (PDF), President Granberg reported on the newly hired leadership team for the GW Center for Interfaith and Spiritual Life, the unveiling of President Emeritus Wrighton’s official portrait, several events held on campus, the new financial highlights website, and the beginning of the formal development of the university’s strategic framework.

In his Provost’s Report (PDF), Provost Bracey provided updates on the strategic framework, the faculty working groups’ final reports, an event on campus featuring Malcolm Gladwell, the latest US News & World Report rankings, graduate student organization, and the Global Food Institute’s role in this year’s New York Climate Week.

FSEC Chair Ilana Feldman delivered the Executive Committee report (PDF), reporting on recent FSEC activities and the upcoming Faculty Assembly, which will be held on October 30.

Baxter Goodly, GW’s Vice President for Safety & Operations, provided an update on GW Facilities (PDF).

The next regularly scheduled Faculty Senate Executive Committee meeting will be held on October 25. The next regularly scheduled Faculty Senate meeting will be held on November 8. The draft minutes of the October 4 Senate meeting will be posted as soon as possible.

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Joint Meetings of the Faculty Senate and Board of Trustees Executive Committees