
About the Faculty Senate

The GW Faculty Senate is the faculty governance body of the George Washington University. Senators are elected to two-year terms by their home schools, and the Senate annually elects an Executive Committee that sets agendas, reviews proposed resolutions, and guides the work of the Senate. The Senate is normally in session from September through May, although the Executive Committee works year-round on faculty and administrative matters.

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January 10 Faculty Senate Meeting

The Senate met on January 10, convening at 2:06pm and adjourning at 3:32pm.

President Granberg’s report (PDF) included updates on the upcoming MLK Day of Service and Leadership, the first GW Leaders Forum, the School of Medicine and Health Sciences Residents and Fellows Union labor agreement, the Humanitarian Internship Pilot Program, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom awarded to José Andrés.

In his Provost’s report (PDF), Provost Bracey provided updates on the School of Public Health dean search, intramural funding programs, the Middle States Reaccreditation and strategic framework processes, and this spring’s InnovationFest.

FSEC Chair Ilana Feldman delivered a brief Executive Committee report (PDF) that included updates from the December FSEC meeting.

The Senate adopted two resolutions:

Interim Vice Provost for Research Bob Miller delivered the annual research update (PDF).

The next regularly scheduled Faculty Senate Executive Committee meeting will be held on January 31. The next regularly scheduled Faculty Senate meeting will be held on February 14. The draft minutes of the January 10 Senate meeting will be posted as soon as possi.

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Joint Meetings of the Faculty Senate and Board of Trustees Executive Committees