About the Faculty Senate
The GW Faculty Senate is the faculty governance body of the George Washington University. Senators are elected to two-year terms by their home schools, and the Senate annually elects an Executive Committee that sets agendas, reviews proposed resolutions, and guides the work of the Senate. The Senate is normally in session from September through May, although the Executive Committee works year-round on faculty and administrative matters.
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March 7 Faculty Senate Meeting
The Senate met on March 7, convening at 2:07pm and adjourning at 4:57pm.
President Granberg’s report (PDF) included updates on the summary of findings and recommendations resulting from the independent investigation into issues regarding the arming of GWPD, community communication efforts around federal updates, an expected Department of Justice visit to campus, the recently announced position management review process, a new policy transparency process, and several campus and community events, including this year’s SJT Day.
In his Provost’s report (PDF), Provost Bracey provided updates on the announcement that GSEHD Dean Michael Feuer will step down this summer, data preservation efforts, graduate assistant unionization, the upcoming graduation of the current GW Academic Leadership Academy, the April 24 Faculty Honors Ceremony, and the Commencement student speaker competition.
FSEC Chair Ilana Feldman delivered the Executive Committee report (PDF), which included updates from the February FSEC meeting.
The Senate adopted Resolution 25/7: To Reduce Barriers for Transfer Students (PDF).
The Senate heard two reports:
- An update on MFA Financials (PDF) from Bill Elliott, Chief Executive Officer, GW Medical Faculty Associates, and Bruno Fernandes, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer; and
- The Annual Core Indicators of Academic Excellence (PDF) from Provost Chris Bracey.
The next regularly scheduled Faculty Senate Executive Committee meeting will be held on March 28. The next regularly scheduled Faculty Senate meeting will be held on April 11. The draft minutes of the March 7 Senate meeting will be posted as soon as possible.
View the Senate Academic Freedom Portal
Joint Meetings of the Faculty Senate and Board of Trustees Executive Committees