Senate Resolutions
The index of adopted Senate resolutions below begins with the current Senate session and works back by year; each link is to a PDF of the final, passed resolution. Creating a comprehensive index is a work in progress; if you're looking for a resolution not yet posted here, please contact Jenna Chaojareon for assistance.
- 2024-2025 Session
- SR 25/1 (PDF): To Correct Faculty Code Language Referenced in Senate Resolution 24/6
- SR 25/2 (PDF): On Process for Policy Revisions
- SR 25/4 (PDF): To Amend the Senate Bylaws
- SR 25/5 (PDF): To Extend the Approved Temporary Changes to the Code of Academic Integrity
- SR 25/6 (PDF): To Support GW Students in Their Educational Endeavors
- SR 25/7 (PDF): To Reduce Barriers for Transfer Students
- 2023-2024 Session
- SR 24/1 (PDF): Of Appreciation of President Mark Wrighton
- SR 24/2 (PDF): To Approve Changes to the Code of Academic Integrity
- SR 24/4 (PDF): To Expand the Scope and Name of the Physical Facilities Committee and to Amend the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate
- SR 24/5 (PDF): On Community Safety: Data Transparency, Shared Governance, and the Strategy of Arming the Campus Police
- SR 24/6 (PDF): To Implement a Faculty Consultative Committee in Presidential Searches
- SR 24/7 (PDF): On the Impact of the Medical Faculty Associates Debt on Strategic Planning, Education, and Financial Aid at the George Washington University
- SR 24/8 (PDF): To Approve Temporary Changes to the Code of Academic Integrity
- SR 24/9 (PDF): Reconfirming the GW Faculty Senate's Commitment to the Principles of Academic Freedom and Shared Governance
- 2022-2023 Session
- SR 23/2 (PDF): Of Appreciation for Elizabeth Amundson
- SR 23/3 (PDF): In Support of a New Residence Hall
- SR 23/4 (PDF): On Title IX Training for Faculty
- SR 23/5 (PDF): Regarding the Finances of the GW Medical Faculty Associates
- SR 23/6 (PDF): On Recommended Changes to the Faculty Organization Plan
- SR 23/7 (PDF): Of Appreciation for Professor James Tielsch
- SR 23/8 (PDF): On Defining Representation of the College of Professional Studies in the Faculty Senate
- 2021-2022 Session
- SR 22/1 (PDF): On Voting at Faculty Assemblies
- SR 22/2 (PDF): To Form the Slate of Faculty Representatives for Election of the Faculty Consultative Committee
- SR 22/3 (PDF): On the Readiness of GW's Buildings
- SR 22/4 (PDF): Of Appreciation for the Service of President Thomas J. LeBlanc
- SR 22/5 (PDF): For Positioning the Strategic Campus Facilities Master Plan for Success in Fulfilling the University's Overall Teaching and Research Mission
- SR 22/8 (PDF): Of Appreciation for Professor Arthur Wilson
- SR 22/9 (PDF): Of Appreciation for Professor Miriam Galston
- SR 22/10 (PDF): A Resolution on Freedom to Expend Internal Research Awards
- SR 22/11 (PDF): On Defending Academic Freedom to Teach About Race and LGBTQIA+ Gender Issues
- SR 22/12 (PDF): To Approve Changes to the Code of Academic Integrity
- SR 22/13 (PDF): On Principles of Shared Governance and Recommended Mechanisms for Strengthening Shared Governance at GW
- 2020-2021 Session
- SR 21/1 (PDF): Proposing an Undergraduate Academic Forgiveness Policy
- SR 21/2 (PDF): To Respond Proactively to COVID-19
- SR 21/3 (PDF): On Convening Additional Senate Meetings
- SR 21/4 (PDF): On Budget Austerity Principles
- SR 21/5 (PDF): On the Immediate Need to Fill Positions in the Deanery of Libraries and Academic Innovation
- SR 21/6 (PDF): On Distinguishing Short-Term Fiscal Adjustments from Long-Term Structural Changes
- SR 21/7 (PDF): On Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- SR 21/8 (PDF): Of Appreciation for Deputy Provost Teresa Murphy
- SR 21/9 (PDF): On GW Course Intellectual Property and Digital Recording
- SR 21/10 (PDF): On Research
- SR 21/11 (PDF): On Salary Increases Accompanying Faculty Promotions
- SR 21/12 (PDF): Of Appreciation for Professor Sylvia Marotta-Walters
- SR 21/13 (PDF): Of Severe Disapproval of President Thomas J. LeBlanc Regarding the Appointment of Heather Swain
- SR 21/14 (PDF): To Expand Religious Holiday Accommodations
- SR 21/15 (PDF): To Approve Changes to the Code of Academic Integrity
- SR 21/16 (PDF): Of Appreciation for Professor Steve Charnovitz
- SR 21/17 (PDF): On the Response to the Faculty Survey
- 2019-2020 Session
- SR 20/1 (PDF): Of Appreciation for Nelson Carbonell, Chairman of the Board of Trustees
- SR 20/2 (PDF): To Expand the Scope and Name of the Educational Policy Committee
- SR 20/3 (PDF): On Strengthening the Faculty Role in Strategic Planning
- SR 20/4 (PDF): To Amend the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate
- SR 20/5 (PDF): To Request the Chair of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to Call a Special Meeting of the Faculty Assembly
- SR 20/6 (PDF): To Establish a Special Committee
- SR 20/7 (PDF): On Involvement of Faculty and Its Elected Representatives in Shaping Strategic Planning (Educational Policy & Technology Committee)
- SR 20/8 (PDF): On Involvement of Faculty and Its Elected Representatives in Shaping Strategic Planning (Research Committee)
- SR 20/9 (PDF): On Shared Governance with Respect to Size, Composition, and Quality of the Undergraduate Class
- SR 20/10 (PDF): To Amend the Appropriate Regulation of Honors, Awards, or Distinctions by Units of the University
- SR 20/11 (PDF): To Amend the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate
- SR 20/12 (PDF): To Amend the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate in Light of COVID-19
- SR 20/13 (PDF): On Electronic Faculty Meeting Procedures in the Schools
- 2018-2019 Session
- SR 19/1 (PDF): To Amend the University's Policy on Prohibited Relationships with Students
- SR 19/2 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Code (1)
- SR 19/3 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Code (2)
- SR 19/4 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Code (3)
- SR 19/5 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Code (4)
- SR 19/6 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Code (5)
- SR 19/7 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Code (6)
- SR 19/8 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Code (7)
- 2017-2018 Session
- SR 18/1 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Code as to Criteria and Procedures for Appointments, Reappointments, and Promotion of Regular Faculty with Non-Tenure Track Appointments
- SR 18/2 (PDF): To Amend Procedures for the Implementation of the Faculty Code to Clarify the Roles of the School-Wide Personnel Committee, a Dean, and the Provost
- SR 18/3 (PDF): To Amend Article X. A., Rights, Privileges, and Resolution of Disputes under this Code
- SR 18/4 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Code to Clarify Faculty Eligible for Reduced Service Status
- SR 18/5 (PDF): Recommending the Adoption of Revised Guidelines for Exercising and Defending Academic Freedom
- SR 18/6 (PDF): For Maintaining Quality in Online and Hybrid Classes and Programs
- SR 18/7 (PDF): Of Appreciation for Executive Vice President and Treasurer Louis H. (Lou) Katz
- 2016-2017 Session
- SR 17/1 (PDF): Of Appreciation for C. Dianne Martin
- SR 17/2 (PDF): Proposing a Limited First Year Academic Forgiveness Policy
- SR 17/3 (PDF): To Improve Faculty Compensation to the Median of GW's Market Basket Schools
- SR 17/4 (PDF): Recommending the Adoption of Guidelines for Exercising and Defending Academic Freedom
- SR 17/5 (PDF): Of Appreciation for Professor Charles A. Garris
- SR 17/6 (PDF): Of Appreciation for President Steven Knapp
- 2015-2016 Session
- SR 16/1 (PDF): On Recommended Changes to the Faculty Code with Respect to Dean Searches and Reviews
- SR 16/2 (PDF): On Recommended Changes to the Faculty Code with Respect to School Faculty Composition and Governance
- SR 16/3 (PDF): On Recommended Changes to the Faculty Code with Respect to Tenure and Promotion Standards and Procedures
- SR 16/4 (PDF): On Recommended Changes to the Faculty Organization Plan Regarding Faculty Participation in the Faculty Senate
- SR 16/5 (PDF): To Improve Faculty Benefits
- SR 16/6 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Organization Plan to Authorize Non-Tenured Regular Faculty in Three Schools to Serve in the Faculty Senate
- SR 16/7 (PDF): Recommending a Procedure for Amending the Faculty Code
- SR 16/8 (PDF): On the Contribution of the University to Staff/Faculty Health Insurance Costs
At this point in Senate history, there was a shift in the alignment of the numbering convention with the corresponding Senate session. To avoid confusion, resolutions from this point will be presented in descending numerical order (most recent first).
- February 2015 and Earlier
- SR 15/2 (PDF): To Adopt an "Open Access" Policy for Research Publications at the George Washington University
- SR 15/1 (PDF): To Endorse a Revised Edition of the Faculty Handbook of the George Washington University
- SR 14/4 (PDF): To Address the Burden Placed on Current University Employees with Regard to Proposed Changes in Tuition Benefits
- SR 14/3-2 (PDF) (note: two different resolutions were given the 14/3 number, apparently in error): To Endorse Amendments to the Copyright Policy of the George Washington University
- SR 14/3-1 (PDF) (note: two different resolutions were given the 14/3 number, apparently in error): On the Need for a Long Term Budget Model
- SR 14/2 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Code with Respect to Academic Freedom
- SR 14/1 (PDF): To Request Increased University Contributions Towards Health Insurance Costs
- SR 13/6 (PDF): To Upgrade Information for Students Seeking to Register for Courses
- SR 13/5 (PDF): To Alert Undergraduate Students Who Are Doing Substandard Work Early in the Semester
- SR 13/4 (PDF): To Amend the Policy in Retaining Incomplete Grades on Students' Transcripts
- SR 13/3 (PDF): On the Established Procedures for Approving Any Changes to the Faculty Code or Faculty Policies That May Be Recommended by the Board of Trustees Governance Task Force
- SR 13/2 (PDF): To Amend the Policy on Conflicts of Interest and Commitment for Faculty and Investigators
- SR 13/1 (PDF): To Recommend Adoption of the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Policy and Procedures
- SR 12/5 (PDF): Of Appreciation
- SR 12/4 (PDF): To Amend the Procedures for the Implementation of the Faculty Code With Respect to Dean Searches
- SR 12/3 (PDF): To Confirm the Emergency Action of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee Approving an Interim Policy and Procedures for Sexual Harassment and Violence for the 2012-13 Academic Year
- SR 12/2 (PDF): On Information Systems Needed to Support Faculty Research Efforts
- SR 12/1 (PDF): To Endorse Amendments to the George Washington University Policy on Conflicts of Interest and Commitment for Faculty and Investigators
- SR 11/2 (PDF): To Clarify the Allocation of Seats for Schools on the Faculty Senate
- SR 11/1 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Organization Plan to Provide Representation for the School of Nursing on the Faculty Senate and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee
- SR 10/4 (PDF): To Clarify the Procedures Governing Awards of Emeritus Status to Retiring Faculty
- SR 10/3 (PDF): To Request Additional Information on the Budgetary and Financial Implications of the Proposed Science and Engineering Complex
- SR 10/2 (PDF): On Faculty and Staff Compensation Increases and Compensation Policy
- SR 10/1 (PDF): Presenting Recommendations on the Proposal for a New School of Nursing
- SR 09/5 (PDF): On the Proposal for a New School of Nursing
- SR 09/4 (PDF): Of Appreciation
- SR 09/3 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Code with Respect to the Participation of Research Faculty in Certain Governance Matters in the School of Public Health and Health Services
- SR 09/2 (PDF): To Recommend Modification of the Unified Budget Model
- SR 09/1 (PDF): To Amend The George Washington University Equal Employment Opportunity Policy (EEOP) To Include “Gender Identity or Expression”
- SR 08/4 (PDF): Of Appreciation
- SR 08/3 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Organization Plan With Regard to the Composition of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee
- SR 08/1 (PDF): To Amend the Time Limitation on Reporting of Final Grades by Faculty Members
- SR 07/7 (PDF): Of Appreciation
- SR 07/6 (PDF): Concerning Secondary and Courtesy Appointments for Regular, Active-Status Faculty Members
- SR 07/5 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Code to Provide a Parental Leave Childcare Leave Benefit
- SR 07/3 (PDF): On Establishing a Steering Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum Review
- SR 07/2 (PDF): To Amend the Faculty Organization Plan With Regard to the Composition of the Faculty Senate
- SR 06/6 (PDF): On Library Endowment Funds
- SR 06/5 (PDF): Regarding Recommendations in the Report of the Joint Administration/Faculty Task Force on a Possible Four-Course, Four-Credit Undergraduate Curricular Structure
- SR 06/4 (PDF): On Construction of New Academic Facilities
- SR 06/3 (PDF): On the Timetable for Action on the Recommendations of the Joint Administration/Faculty Task Force on a Possible Four-Course, Four-Credit Undergraduate Curricular Structure
- SR 06/2 (PDF): To Amend the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate
- SR 05/8 (PDF): Regarding the University Budget for FY 07
- SR 05/7 (PDF): On Library Endowment Funds
- SR 05/6 (PDF): On Establishing Criteria for Appointments, Reappointments, and Promotion of Regular, Active-Status Faculty Serving in Non-Tenure Accruing Appointments
- SR 05/5 (PDF): On Procedure with Respect to Deliberation and Decision on the 4x4 Curriculum
- SR 05/4 (PDF): To Endorse Technical Amendments to the Disclosure Forms for Faculty Members and Investigators Under the George Washington University Policy on Conflicts of Interest and Commitment
- SR 05/3 (PDF): To Endorse the George Washington University Statement of Ethical Principles
- SR 05/2 (PDF): On Faculty and Staff Compensation Increases and Compensation Policy
- SR 05/1 (PDF): To Endorse the Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures of the George Washington University
- SR 04/10 (PDF): Of Appreciation
- SR 04/9 (PDF): For the Appropriate Regulation of Honors, Awards, or Distinctions by Units of the University
- SR 04/8 (PDF): To Restate the Names of the Standing Committees in the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate Appended to the Faculty Organization Plan
- SR 04/7 (PDF): Recommending Improved Timing of the Budget Cycle to Permit Better Consultation with Faculty
- SR 04/6 (PDF): To Endorse Revised Disclosure Forms and Conforming Changes to the George Washington University Policy on Conflicts of Interest and Commitment
- SR 04/5 (PDF): To Endorse the George Washington University Policy and Procedures Regarding Allegations of Research Misconduct
- SR 04/4 (PDF): Expressing Concern About and Requesting Joint Senate and Administration Review of the Recent Classroom Shortage
- SR 04/3 (PDF): To Endorse Reinstatement of the Interim Policy and Procedures Governing Sexual Harassment Complaints, as Originally Adopted by the Faculty Senate in Resolution 98/5, With Certain Further Amendments
- SR 04/2 (PDF): On Research Priorities at The George Washington University
- SR 04/1 (PDF): On Construction of New Science Facilities as the Top Priority Among New Academic Structures
- SR 03/11 (PDF): Of Appreciation
- SR 03/10 (PDF): On the Roles of Faculty Members, Advisory School-Wide Personnel Committees and Administration Officials in Tenure and Promotion Cases
- SR 03/9 (PDF): On Scholarly Communication and Library Serials Acquisitions
- SR 03/8 (PDF): To Amend the Policy on Scientific Misconduct
- SR 03/7 (PDF): To Amend the Policy on Conflicts of Interest and Commitment
- SR 03/6 (PDF): To Recommend the Establishment of an Election as of Right by Tenure Track Faculty Who Become New Parents During the Probationary Period
- SR 03/5 (PDF): To Amend the Code of Academic Integrity
- SR 03/4 (PDF): On the Proposals for an Alternative Academic Calendar
- SR 03/2 (PDF): On Establishment of a "School of Public Policy and Public Administration" Within the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
- SR 03/1 (PDF): On the Alternative Academic Calendar